Mike Levin Dominates First CA-49 Debate and Exposes Maryott’s Far-Right Positions

It was “a right that women got used to and it was remarkable to see, remarkable, it was remarkable, it was just remarkable to see the reaction in the country.”Maryott on Abortion

Oceanside, CA – Congressman Mike Levin dominated the first debate with Brian Maryott and exposed Maryott’s radical, far-right positions on abortion and more. Meanwhile, Maryott made clear he has no interest in delivering federal investments for the district and offered zero substantive solutions to the most pressing challenges facing our country.


Click here to watch Brian lie again about his position on abortion rights. Brian started his answer by saying the right to an abortion was “a right that women got used to and it was remarkable to see, remarkable, it was remarkable, it was just remarkable to see the reaction in the country.”

What’s truly “remarkable” is Brian’s response to a far-right group’s questionnaire where he committed to an extraordinarily fringe position that would not only eliminate all abortion, it would outlaw in-vitro fertilization, IUDs and other forms of birth control including Plan B. He would permit no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.

Fentanyl and the Border

Mike has a strong record of voting to fund smart border security investments, cracking down on fentanyl, and visiting the border to meet with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel.

While Brian talked a big game on the issue, he failed to mention how he admitted to the San Diego Union-Tribune that he has never been to the border. Not once in his 5+ years of campaigning and using the issue for politics! The Union-Tribune called his comments on the issue “maddening.”

Gas Prices

Mike has passed legislation to lower gas prices by cracking down on price-gouging by Big Oil and led 31 Members of Congress demanding an FTC investigation into market manipulation by California oil refineries.

On the other hand, Brian offered zero substantive solutions during the debate when it comes to lowering gas prices. And when Mike called out Brian’s significant investments in fossil fuel companies, Brian had no defense.

Public Education

Brian came out against all public schools: “We are long past the time, where in 2022, we are still sending kids to a government-run school.”

Even many of the most far-right Republicans across the country support the existence of public schools. Brian’s position is beyond extreme.

Small Businesses

Fact: Mike’s work to help pass the Paycheck Protection Program and other pandemic relief delivered a lifeline to 20,456 small businesses in CA-49, which supported 241,446 employees.

While Brian talked up his alleged business experience, Republican Orange County Supervisor Lisa Bartlett said it best: “Brian Maryott has no job, no income, no business, and no license – he is not a certified financial planner, he is a fraud.”

Military Pensions

Rep. Levin heard the moderator ask if he supports reducing military pensions. He answered ‘no’ and outlined his record working to strengthen military pensions. He did not hear the moderator ask about taxes, but Levin supports lower state taxes on military pensions. He is also an original cosponsor of the Major Richard Star Act to prevent military retirement pay from being reduced to offset VA disability compensation, and he cosponsored the Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act to reduce taxes on Department of Defense Survivor Benefits Plan annuities after the so-called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 raised those tax rates. This fix was enacted as part of Fiscal Year 2020 appropriations legislation that Mike supported.